What can I do in case of acute back pain?
When to consult a general practitioner or specialist?
How do I prevent back pain?
What can I do in case of acute back pain?
The pain can certainly be severe with spectacular blockage of the back. This almost always proceeds spontaneously to about ten days. If there are no alarm signs, no hospital admittance is recommended (for mere pain relief).
Pain relief: paracetamol and/or an anti-inflammatory.
Heat on the back: cherry pit pillow, warm lamp, sauna, hot showers.
Try to continue normal activities of daily life as normal as possible.
No bed rest, certainly not for days.
When to consult a general practitioner or specialist?
Cauda equina syndrome:
In case of (simultaneous) incontinence for urine or bowel movements.
With reduced feeling around the anus and on the genitals.
Both can point to a 'cauda equina syndrome' where there is a sudden severe crushing of the spinal cord. This is a matter of urgency !
Loss of strength in one or more legs.
Not being able to walk on toes, not being able to go on heels or not being able to push off a chair or climb stairs.
Falling through the legs
Back pain with fever
Back pain with severe abdominal pain
Very fierce nocturnal back pain
Unbearable pain, not under control with your own medication.
How do I prevent back pain?
Avoiding back strain. Don't bend a load but lower it through the knees. When you want to your body on the spot, do not make torsional movements with your back - certainly not with a heavy load in your arms - but move your feet.
Exercise ensures good belly and back muscles that form a natural corset for the back. Resting has a bad effect on healing back disorders. Because of the shocks they cause, running and jumping sports are not as good as swimming on a bicycle. The best sport is of course the one you like the most!
People who have followed back school have to keep doing the exercises they were taught at home for life. Otherwise the training effect on the muscles will disappear, the trunk muscles will weaken again and people will 'relapse' into their old back complaints. In this brochure the exercises are explained one more time.
Avoiding obesity. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. The heavier you weigh, the more the back becomes ballasted by weight.
Do not smoke or stop smoking. It has been scientifically proven that smokers get wear and tear (osteoarthritis, hernias) faster than non-smokers. Smokers who receive medical treatment for back disease are more likely to have complications and a higher risk of poor recovery.
Not wearing a back strap or corset, they weaken the abdominal and back muscles by making them work less.
Don't do things you know you can't handle on your own. Ask for help. With two you are twice as strong.
Avoid stress!