Is it necessary to come to Belgium for consultation?

Not everyone who has a back disorder can be treated with full-endoscopic techniques.

We want to avoid people travelling a very long distance to get an negative advise “this spine problem can not be treaded by full endoscopic surgery”.

If you wish, you can have Dr. Van Daele evaluate to the recent MRI scan. For this we charge 70€. This amount is not reimbursed by the health insurance.

Payment can be made by clicking on the PayPall button below and filling in your details.

It is purely an evaluation whether Dr. Van Daele can help you full-endoscopically. The purpose of this evaluation is not to have your file reviewed, evaluated or discussed in general, nor is it intended to obtain a medical evaluation report. If endoscopy is not possible, other therapeutic solutions will not be provided.

Click on the picture below = Paypal link (and choose "send") OR scan the QR code


AFTER payment has been done you can send you MRI in DICOM format using WeTransfer to

Please do NOT send a CD, DVD or USB stick with images by post, they cannot and will not be processed.